By Vanessa Gordon

Yu husait?

Who are you to dictate my fate or think that my life, my worth, or my body is a term that you can negotiate?

Yu husait?

Who are you to doubt me? Who are you sir that needs to know more about me, why do I astound thee?

Yu husait?

Who are you to tell me to cover up my shame? Is my skin colour to blame? Is my naked breast too dark is that what you detest? My child needs food you see ,hence my exposure. I hope my only means of nourishing her does not offend you kind sir.

Yu husait?

Who are you to cringe and whine when I protest? Sir that land is mine. Your titles and your fancy words may cause generations of unrest.

Yu husait?

Who are you to place a limit on how I am to learn? Why do you insist my voice be unheard? My mind is working overtime I want to feed it some truth. Why does seeking education sound so absurd?

Yu husait?

Who are you to limit my progression? You see it is you kind sir who ignited this passion. You took from me my land, my worth, and my voice… now be prepared because I will rise up and make some noise.

Yu husait?

Who are you to place me in a box? Titled and labelled ‘do not tamper’. Oh but don’t you know whilst your efforts are commended my resilience shall not damper!

Yu husait?

Who are you to take, take, take? Then place a tax for my own sake?

Yu husait?

Who are you to claim to know me? You spat on, raped, and pilfered my land and now suddenly you care about my clan.

Yu husait?

Who are you to defame and shame me? Then in the same breath claim it is to protect me?

Yu husait?

Who are you to pretend to be solving my problems? You stand among the sheep in wolves clothing meanwhile my culture is dissolving.

Yu husait?

Who are you to be condescending? Please sir I speak over a thousand tongues I’m sure English is the simplest one. Oh what’s that? Does my articulation surprise you? I’ve excelled in a system that you sir have funded. I’m confused why do you look so dumbfounded?

Yu husait?

Who are you to oppress my daughter, my sister, and my brother? I told you when you laid your claim on my land without any conscience…. beware of my people for they will claim it back with a vengeance.

Yu husait?

Who are you to dance and prance upon my ground without a bother? Yet when my hips sway as I approach you, you turn the other way does my presence makes you shudder?

Yu husait?

Who are you to deny my inheritance? Who sir helped make you rich and now my people get a pittance.

Yu husait?

Who are you to mark the limit we can exceed? I’ve got news sir we are now a new breed. We are doctors, lawyers, and teachers we are scientists, diplomats and preachers.

We are farmers, fisherman and miners there’s a new kind of fire inside of us. We are nurses, bankers and soldiers. Dear sir maybe you shouldn’t have oppressed us. We are accountants, artists and engineers who are fed up of the blood sweat and tears. While you were counting your net worth we were nurturing the next generation’s self-worth.

Yu husait?